Curriculum Vitae
Name: Anders Markussen
Birthday: 30-08-1982
Education: PhD, Computer Science
Current position: Postdoctoral researcher
Professional Experience
Sep 2001 – May 2003
Medical orderly
Royal Danish Army
Medical care and evacuation from clearing station
Scientific & Scholarly Awards
May 2014
CHI 2014 Best Paper (top 1% of papers): Vulture: A Mid-Air Word-Gesture
List of Publications
Conference Papers
Markussen, A., Jakobsen, M. R., & Hornbæk, K. 2014. Vulture: a mid-air word-gesture keyboard. In Proceedings of the 32nd annual ACM conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI ‘14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1073-1082. (Best Paper Award)
Markussen, A., Jakobsen, M. R., & Hornbæk, K. Selection-Based Mid-Air Text Entry on Large Displays. Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 8117, 2013, 401-418
Markussen, A. (2010), Gyroscopic Mouse Input for Wall-Size Displays - Improving interaction using Estimated Point Of Focus. Master Thesis, University of, Copenhagen, Denmark
Markussen, A., Rugbjerg, E. (2007), The Mic-1IO Architecture - Modification of the Mic-1 architecture to support peripheral devices. Bachelor Thesis, University of Copenhagen / Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
Professional Services
University Teaching
Spring 2013: User Interface Technology, University of Copenhagen [DIKU, MSc, ~30 students]
Spring 2012: User Interface Technology, University of Copenhagen [DIKU, MSc, ~30 students]
Spring 2013: User Interface Technology, University of Copenhagen [DIKU, MSc, ~30 students]
Spring 2013: Interaction Design, University of Copenhagen [KommIT, BSc, ~65 students]
Spring 2012: User Interface Technology, University of Copenhagen [DIKU, MSc, ~30 students]
Student Supervision
MSc Students
Helle Frederiksen: University of Copenhagen, with Kasper Hornbæk [graduated: 2013]
Marc Framvig-Antonsen: University of Copenhagen, with Kasper Hornbæk [graduated: 2012]
Juri Rosenkilde: University of Copenhagen, with Kasper Hornbæk [graduated: 2012]
BSc Students
Anders Holm Christensen: University of Copenhagen [graduated: 2013]
Benjamin Mark: University of Copenhagen, with Kim Steenstrup Pedersen [graduated: 2012]
Practical skills
Programming experience
Experience with a large number of programming languages during my studies (e.g., C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, Python, SML, JAVA, JavaScript, etc.). However, recently most programming has been done in JAVA
Fabrication skills
3D printing and modeling
Laser cutting
Arduino prototyping and basic electronics
Personal information
Marital status
Married to Alice Markussen (MD, resident oncologist), with whom I have two daughters
House renovation and various crafts (e.g., carpentry and masonry)
Swimming, Water polo and Skiing
Volunteer Camp Counselor in the Danish Red Cross Youth (9 years)